What is your Name? Christopher What is your in-game display Name? CakeCoin SGC Members you have Met: Animefan162a Warguy142 Altair Sernikb -=[S|E]=- ๖Mя Nıght Joku RedDeath Why do you want to join the SGC? I enjoy playing on this server and I like the SGC community, I want to help out new pleyers and help admins/moderators to keep the server clean from rule breaker's What is your favorite cake? Chocolate Any other Comments? -I've broken many rules in the past so Im sorry for the admins who had to deal with my s**t especially Animefan162a. -Im from a small country called Lithuania, So my English isint the best. What's your age? 14
I'm glad you've referenced me in this. I hadn't forgot about that time you were flying the invisible E2 aeroplane around me and disconnected before I could find out who it was, xXMinecrafter69Xx But you've been pretty good lately so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt +Shipport