Separate names with a comma.
Was formerly called engine system and i'm sure all of you already heard about it, after anime's suggestion was changed to engine collar system...
Well, Altair is the only one that could fix that
Well, check in game if you appear as a member
Copy this template to create a ban request. Thread title: <USER TO BAN> Ban Request. Username: SteamID: Ban request reason: Evidence:...
Pew Pew system
Using skyboxes right? Someone suggested to shrink the game with a script ( players, props, etc.) Then shrink part of the map accordingly and we...
Give him the status anyways, more mods are always usefull
Well, we all hate E2. if we would have to vote again +Support
I have never seen you on servers, but if you have 5 - 6 hs in playtime you should try creating a application once you get to know more members,...
As soon as you get the donator status, which i dont know if you get automaticaly or altair sets manualy. nevertheless you'll have to link your...
Not actually, MAP is loaded clientside. You load the gamemode server side and that's what takes most of the time. Also our map is currently in...
Pew Pew is one of the oldest gmod combat addons, i think that the only addon that's older is GCombat which is it's predecesor. And no, There's no...
God no. People uses wiremod weight tool to make submarines. They add weight and they go down
I think that i never seen the problem so well explained
Nice application, I think we never met so i'll have to stay neutral on this one. Althought i support the spread of dank memes...
Same as fox. Also a very poor aplication -Support
Forum's got a new face altair? I like the old relaxing blue
Carrot cake really? How you want to get a positive vote with that. +Support tho
He's got my +Support.