Separate names with a comma.
Accepted, Welcome to SGC!
+ Support
Application Accepted Welcome to SGC!
Application Denied. Applicant didn't have enough support.
@Animefan162a Any change of status?
I'll unban you since I already sent a message to Warguy telling him about the existance of this thread and had no response. If you're caught red...
That's all I wanted to hear. Accepted.
It was actually Warguy that banned you.
Player has been banned for a week.
You do know that the flag for the french navy used to be white, right?
White flag ftw!
+ Support!
Thread closed, evidence inconclusive.
Nice idea Tzatziki!
Taking on Tzatziki's idea, please share your cats, dogs, birds and other friendly creatures! I'll start with one of my cats, which is also my...