Separate names with a comma.
A quote from Animefan that pretty much sums up my view as well "Great builder, with nice warships, when he actually comes on and plays. I would...
My favourite cheese is a heavily smoked cheese called Farmers feet because of how strong it is. It's sold at a stall in a market that only happens...
The change of the rule would produce the same results without having to enter the games coding and changing the numbers. I'm in support of that.
Ban Request Approved Ethan will be receiving a 4 week ban for breaking several major rules. *fu* Dr.n00b has already been given a punishment for...
If you provide steamID I can approve this. The steam profile link does not work.
WyattClutter, if you do not reply with a valid response/argument in 48 hours then I will be closing this appeal.
Helllo WyattClutter, Let me start off by saying that the unban for your friend isn't going to go anywhere, let me explain why: In order to have...
I haven't moved out of my parents house yet so I don't know if renting is cheaper. But I suppose with the benefits of maintenance it might be...
England is separated into Shires. One of these shires, called Northamptonshire is where I spend my days. I live in a town that's split in two. My...
Remember to leave a Steam ID or profile link
Player in question is clearly prop pushing, however whether or not he/she is responsible for the server crash is unclear with the current...
Player is question is clearly prop pushing. A ban will be given once the current ban system is updated.
It produces and error when spawned for me. "Variable (Egp) does not exist at line 35, char 6"