Proof-Screen Shots Plea-Guilty Crime-Being a Minge Yes I do admit I was being minge but I got perma banned and after i got banned I really wish I didn't do it but I love this server and I was having a really bad day I hope I can see you soon on naval play.
Just to say if you dont unban me just give me a month ban or something i just love this server i have not been on for a YEAR
Well I have never perma-d a player for mingebaggery, but I need your in-game name (I just looked at ban logs, I can't find anyone by your forum name on there) if I'm going to have a chance to find out who did and bring this appeal to their attention.
Okay well the proper thing I should've asked you is what is your SteamID Number? I can find you immediately with that.
That's your Steam Profile Name, I need your SteamID Number. A SteamID Number usually looks something like STEAM_0:0:00000000 (numbers etc). EDIT: Actually really you didn't even follow the ban template (which I completely missed) so I'm just going to reject this and tell you to do it over again using the ban appeal template pinned at the top of the forum section. Try again.