Heheh, like the name? Thought not.. ill stop it now. Hello all, I have come in search of answers on what the future of collision regulation is, specifically on vehicles that are for the most part "well built". Serniks Collision Detector (the bane of my existence) Before the detector was released, my vehicles tended to run with general ease (most of the time). Admittedly I had collision problems but I was able to phase most of them out. However, upon the release of the detector, my vehicles now seem to be running poorly. Some of these vehicles have been in service for ages and all of a sudden they are balls of |C| that I was never aware existed. I am aware that the newer content may be bogging the server down but I would like to know what is causing this. Its putting almost my entire line of vehicles into the repair yards with no clear fix, I already build fairly large vessels with sizable constraints but its never been a problem until now. Why so? (Sernik if you release more content to police collisions I may have to burn your house down. lol jk <3. just dont do it...) The Future of Large Vessels As a second note. It slightly concerns me that large ship builders like myself will have to completely revise our building techniques to compensate for this, im hoping that the issue I have brought up is only a temporary slight but in the case that its not, I fear that a large portion of Naval Play is at risk. At least for me. Capital ships give me a sense of authority that i dont get elsewhere Temporary or Permanent? I am unsure if my issue is still actually an issue due to my absence for preparing for school, I will reconnect once possible. (late on the 16th) to test. If it persists I will update this thread stating so. Why am I hating on useful content? Unfortunately, ive been able to cement myself to building techniques and capital ship production since I started in 2015, this means that im extremely hostile to change. I have nothing against Sern, hes a great guy who has put countless hours into the server. All im concerned about is how much this will influence my dedication to the server. If I am not a significant enough factor to cause change, that is completely okay, this it just something I have noticed that I wanted people to pick up on. Thankyou all. -Konnar
I have also noticed issues as of late with the server and how collisions are handled. As far as the collision detector goes i'm not 100% sold on it and personally don't think its 100% accurate. To your concerns of collisions with your larger ships I have had the same issues recently where its spamming those |C| all over which doesn't make sense with how I build, anything that could possibly touch is nocolided, even when I swapped out my buoyancy and armor to bigger props and re nocoliding the entire thing it still spams about. I believe the tool is a good thing in a way, at least it helps detect giant collision ball contraptions, but it also is a bad thing and can turn into people witch hunting other players even if they aren't massive balls of collisions. I'd also like to add that i've noticed the server having a decline in tolerance with constraints/collisions for whatever reason as of late. Even if you have low constraint ships sailing about, say 3-4 that are under 500 constraints each, the server will still shit its pocket.
I haven't been on in a few weeks so this may have changed since I was on last, but when I was messing with it last it seemed like the collision count includes collisions with water. This can be seen when moving and dropping and single prop into the water. I'm not sure if the |C| markers also show on collisions with the water, but I have to agree that the results of the collisions detector are not to be always taken literally.
If you have a totally frozen contraption and you walk on it or noclip through it, the number of collisions goes up for some reason, or should I say ShouldCollide events?