What is your Name? Connor What is your in-game display Name? KonnarKaiser118 SGC Members you have Met: Locko Altair Joku Warguy Animefan Others I am unable to remember Why do you want to join the SGC? I want to help on the Naval Play server as i have enjoyed it so much, although I dont need SGC to help, I would still like to join as people with SGC at the beginning of their names get asked for help very often, I wish to be one of that number. What is your favorite cake? Gotta be lemon drizzle... or anything with lemon....... lemon Any other Comments? I like memes.
Great builder, with nice warships, when he actually comes on and plays. I would love to see you and your vessels on more often, mate. +Shipport
I am planning to spend a lot more time on the server, my friends are all playing on GTA RP and I personally think its trash, id rather play on naval alone than with my friends over there.
He has been playing naval play for quite a long time already, builds nicely and is a great guy. +Support
One of the best traditional (no e2 and minimum use of wire - only precision and carefull nocolide work) ship builders i know. Take all my Yes. +Support
A quote from Animefan that pretty much sums up my view as well "Great builder, with nice warships, when he actually comes on and plays. I would love to see you and your vessels on more often, mate. +Shipport" A little sad that I'm not on your favourites list :c, is that because I'm one of few people who makes better ships huh?