What is your Name? Ayden C Thogode What is your in-game display Name? Fuzzy SGC Members you have Met: Locko, Animefan162a, RedDeath, Kalibrees, and of course, Altair. Why do you want to join the SGC? I'd like to join the SGC for the affiliation, and to be able to support a great community in the long run. I've joined a few other communities, and there's something special about this one, it's not hostile, at all. All of the people here are friendly and are more than willing to help, and i'd like to be the one giving the helping hand as well. What is your favorite cake? Anything BUT buttercream frosting, my favorite cake is cheesecake, I don't know if that's a pie or a cake, I think it's inbred between a pie and a cake. I like carrot cake with that fine frosting. I love all cakes pretty much... Any other Comments? I tend to overexplain.