What is your Name? Scott Courage What is your in-game display Name? Vulcanrampage SGC Members you have Met: Xphos, Altair, Animefan, RedDeath, Sern(dont remember full name as i usually just call him or her sern) Why do you want to join the SGC? I have been playing Naval Play for some years now i think about 3 or 4 maybe less it feels like forever. The staff on the server are amazing and they are understanding and good fun to be around. I've been able to put my creativity to the test and now i'm looking to join this amazing clan to help out with keeping the clan alive and the server healthy and free of prop spammer! Like seriously they get really annoying but the admins do a good job of getting rid of them. What is your favourite cake? To be honest i don't really like cake unless you count Chocolate Gateau which is like AWESOME id recommend it. Any other Comments? I have enjoyed my time as a frequent player and i am glad that this server was made as well as this clan it means that people can enjoy their hobby of building ship, aircraft and blimps with their own creativity.
I have awaited this application with joy! Despite not being on your member list, you have met me, just because I'm not a mod or admin, rip me XD Not only are you a pretty good builder as your WotW machines displayed, I can see here and in game that you are very passionate about the server, I'm sure other members who have seen you around for a little longer than me would say the same. I will gladly +Support this application. Best of Luck!
I remember meeting you and was going to put your name down but all i remembered was that there was a k in your name ahha
Hey VulcanRampage, my apologies for the delayed response. I have brought this application to the other staffmembers' attention and will start with my own review: It's been a while since I've seen you on NP2, and thus I don't remember too clearly before you came back recently. But I do remember you being on the server several times previously so judging from what I've seen of you recently, I'd say you're a decently active player, and a good builder who is willing to experiment with some unconventional but cool-ass designs (Okay I may be biased because I'm a War of the Worlds nerd, but damn those Tripods were awesome). The only issue I may have with you is that you appear to be a bit excitable and I just hope that doesn't result in you disrupting the server, but other than that I think I can solidly give this application a +Shipport