Username: BeastSlayer205 SteamID: STEAM_1:0:146470600 Ban request reason: E2 Cannon UFO, Shooting at builders in port, Griefing Evidence: Witnesses: [llamas are negus]ug_duh, Papa TuxYo, Balls Deep In Shaggy, Xphos Any other comments? Screenshot taken at 0:08 Deliberate attempt to grief at 0:47 No Remorse at 0:41 Breaking builders contraptions at 1:34
Yep, I think the video and screenshot prove the charges against the accused player pretty well. BeastSlayer205 will receive a 3-month ban for Illegal E2 vehicle, attempting to make their vehicle invisible, and attacking buildings in harbour. BAN REQUEST ACCEPTED Thank you for the report. EDIT: Locko already hammered the player in question, so ban credit goes to him; but I just extended his ban due to the severity of the charges.