Accepted Currente Resisente

Discussion in 'Ban Requests' started by Wankershim, Jan 5, 2018.



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  1. Wankershim

    Wankershim Guest

    Player name: Currenté Residenté

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:29003212

    Ban Reason: Prop pushing/killing, no-clipping in combat, homing prop killer

    Witness- Daniel
    Evidence - unfortunatly i didnt get screenshots of his no-clipping in combat, i did also take a screenshot of the propkill during combat, once i find it i will add it to the post Witness.jpg Evidence 3.jpg Evidence 1.jpg Evidence 2.jpg
  2. Georgianna

    Georgianna Naval Officer and Shipwright
    Server Administrator

    Apr 23, 2016
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    That player was banned by Altair previously for 1-Month for reason "Mingebag". I see they didn't learn their lesson. Evidence is kinda spotty, but it proves the charges well enough. Ban Request Accepted. Currente Residente will receive another month ban from me.
    Thank you for the report.
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