Username: Kvp311 SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80250139 Original ban reason: Illegal contraption Ban Admin: Captain Barry Evidence: Screenshots shown to Altair and Red. Any other comments?: Was literally banned for something that was approved by a staff member, the contraption was never used out of harbor and never will be. Made for pure recreational building.
You were banned for this, not a bomb carrier attatched to a plate https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....osite-to=*,*|2048:1152&background-color=black
The contraption shown has nothing to do with the issue. Pay attention to the chatbox. I apologize for the mislead though.
You were banned because of the contraption in the screenshot I provided. You have no other recent bans, so you either misunderstand yourself what you've been banned for or you're attempting to supplement evidence with your own. Until Fleet replies we have no idea what he gave you permission for, it could be for a completely different contraption.
That's 100% alright with me, but I assure you that the permission was given previously, and only when Keeves began bothering me and threatening me with contacting admins I felt the need to secure the evidence, so I scrolled up in chat until I reached the needed point. Whatever is on screen was a piece of the torpedo contraption, specifically a steering plate because thrusters can not go directly on-top or below a torpedo. The permission was granted for testing in general.
Hello, I was not addressing your torpedo contraption, a fine use of selectively choosing chat messages though. I have however, seen the plane which Anime linked. I told you that the plane was breaking the rules, P1 and P9 specifically and to discontinue use or correct it inline with our rules. Captain Barry (the banning admin) will decide whether your ban is to be forfeit or extended. Please find the illegal contraption, and a link to our rules below.
There is not sufficient evidence to warrant an unban, as well as the ban itself being served. As such, the appeal will be denied.