Hello my name is Photography Raptor and yesterday i got banned becuase i was spawning props and i was hitting people becuase i was realy angry and i am realy sorry.I have read all the rules now and i promise i am more mature.I want to join back becuase its realy fun and i want to play with my friend Aaron but i cant now i am deeply sorry. i will stop doing this by when i am angry i will take a break and i will try ignore it.I Be more respectful to the great staff who work hard to keep the server and it’s community running smoothly as well as be more mature when playing and nice to all players I am deply sorry and hope that you accept my Ban Apeal
Please stick to the format, I will reject this appeal and Give you a chance to try again. Format for reference. GN (in game name) Which server have you been banned?: What is the name of the admin who banned you?: What is the reason of your ban?: Have you been banned from SGC Naval before?: Why should we unban or unmute you?: