Username: Doggo of Philosophy SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53199222 Ban request reason: Using SDG Arty on a blimp to attack a ship. (See comments) Evidence: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....169/5A934AF27F1C2DF3BB2CC422DDC4CAC2041B7EA7/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....854/E1DD2EBF0170D3ED6CFD5FD81CC0E512B09D7B71/ Witnesses: Bumblebee Seeds, who is a friend of Doggo. Any other comments? Edit: Part of this was just a misunderstanding and stubbornness on both ends, I don't really think he deserves any punishment for this, but I am keeping this up because I would like clarification on if SDG weapons are allowed on blimps or not, and if they are allowed to be used against ships from blimps. Also, if we could get some clarification in the MotD on rules regarding the new weapons it would be nice. Original comments: I let him know SDG guns are not allowed on blimps, he said there were no rules against it, so I copy pasted him A5 and he continued firing at me after replying "Old motd", which he later clarified to mean that the rules are outdated and did not apply to new content (I pasted A6 shortly after his reply and just told him I'm reporting it because I felt he should know better for as much as he is around). Afaik I'm the only person he attacked with his SDG blimp.