Rejected Ban appeal,Dankey

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by Dankey, Aug 12, 2017.

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  1. Dankey

    Dankey New Member

    Apr 29, 2017
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    GN (in game name)*: Dankey

    Which server have you been banned?
    Naval Play 2

    What is the name of the admin who banned you?

    What is the reason of your ban?*:
    I don't really know, Anime says i'm cheeky.

    Have you been banned from SGC Naval before?*:
    2 Days ago for the same reason.

    Why should we unban or unmute you?*: 2 Days ago anime banned me for being obnoxious and toxic in his Eyes, I was talking about a political matter concerning angry leftists, anime slipped in and told me to stop, i didn't stop however, being the idiot that i am i continued. he took it personally and banned me for 1 day(i didn't understand why) and Today i came on np2 and wanted to talk to him about it, The conversation started with me apologizing in a very douchy and sarcastic way, He gave me a warning so i stopped, but i wanted to ask him why he banned me 2 Days ago and he replied with i was being cheeky and obnoxius, So i Went with that as an answer but then The slavinator asked what was going on, i Anwered that 2 Days ago i was talking about angry leftists and anime slipped in once again and said it was none of his business. I disagreed and 1 minute later i was banned. Anime the ban wasn't neccesary, it was at that very moment you banned me that i had finished talking about it, I guess if you took it personally in some way i am sorry for real this time. just that ban wasn't fair in any way and what good does it serve!? I wasnt obnoxious! i didn't try to piss you off! and i certainly didn't want to knowing that i would get banned again! I don't know what else to say than i Am very sorry if it offended you in some way, i really wasn't trying too.

    (Tzatziki's edit: Don't use bold that much, our screens will run out of toner.)
    #1 Dankey, Aug 12, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2017
  2. Georgianna

    Georgianna Naval Officer and Shipwright
    Server Administrator

    Apr 23, 2016
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    Before we even begin here, I would like to put these pastebins containing the history of the two incidents as I believe the text speaks for both our actions:

    Also I find it very suspicious that you've completely changed your tone compared to the attitude you've displayed during the last two incidents. I'll bring this ban appeal to the attention of the other staffmembers.
  3. Tzatziki

    Tzatziki Member
    Server Administrator

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Just don't discuss about things unrelated to our gamemode, especially politics, which makes people disagree with each other all the time, resulting to huge, tiring and pointless conversations.

    Also, just to be fair, no matter someone's political views, we will still warn them, and kick/ban them if that's necessary.

    As long as you don't talk about politics, you should be fine.
  4. Dankey

    Dankey New Member

    Apr 29, 2017
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    Those pastebins proove only one thing, We both did wrong... and if i get unbanned today i swear to any damn god that might be out there that i will never even mention this event ever again, we'll just forget it ok? this is unneccesary and does not serve any purpose when you really Think about it. And about me changing attidute towards you, First ban you gave me i was an asshole i'll admit, the second one i even said i didnt want to piss you off, check the pastebin, and i still stand by that statement, i really didn't want to piss you off knowing i would get banned.
  5. Dankey

    Dankey New Member

    Apr 29, 2017
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    I agree Tzatziki, politics don't belong in navalplay. It was stupid of me to even bring it up.
  6. Warguy142

    Warguy142 Head Admin
    Server Administrator

    Apr 22, 2016
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    To be honest, It's up to anime to unban you or not. However I will say the same thing Tzatziki said. You shouldn't really speak about politics I know that it is an interesting subject and can be quite a joy to sit and speak about but more often than not people disagree and sometimes it becomes a shit flinging contest.

    However when playing games most of the time we do it as a way to cool down after a days work or education and the last thing anyone wants is to get into an arguing match over someone across the world that would do nothing but anger yourself or others.

    Instead focus on sinking other ships instead. That way you can have fun and make progress too.
  7. Dankey

    Dankey New Member

    Apr 29, 2017
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    Yes i agree, i am ussualy quite extreme when it comes to politics. It was stupid of me to bring it up, But regardless these 3 Days are the only ones i have left of my summerbreak, so i can't go sink ships anymore i guess.
  8. Captain Barry

    Captain Barry Toby Larone
    Server Administrator

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Tzatziki and Warguy are pretty much summing it up for me to. The amount of times i have had to take official action against people forcing their politics onto others in the server is ridiculous. Like i've said before to the ones i've dealt with, we come here to have fun and forget the struggles of the outside world. Whether you stay banned or not is Animefan's choice, i'm only giving my opinion because he asked for it.
    To sum it up, you're violating the safe zone that most people enjoy and we don't take that lightly.
  9. Dankey

    Dankey New Member

    Apr 29, 2017
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    Well barry, i wasn't forcing my opinions on anyone and no one complained except for Anime himself

    Well i wasn't forcing my opinion on anyone, and yes i did violate the safe zone i can say that myself. and i will never do it again.
  10. Dankey

    Dankey New Member

    Apr 29, 2017
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    Now i am just waiting for anime's answer to all of this.
  11. Captain Barry

    Captain Barry Toby Larone
    Server Administrator

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Please don't post on unban requests unless you have been asked to or are providing evidence. It's un-necessary clutter
    Dankey and DaBest like this.
  12. Georgianna

    Georgianna Naval Officer and Shipwright
    Server Administrator

    Apr 23, 2016
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    Well Dankey you disrupted the server with an inappropriate attitude and that is something I am not going to just let slide, especially after I warned you repeatedly and gave you several chances to de-escalate the situation. The 3 day ban will remain, hopefully you listen to staff next time. This ban appeal is rejected.
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