This person seems to think they own the server. They are Russian dont speak a lick of English and completely disregard the rules. Please ban them Heres some screenshots of two different times he destroyed my ship with props Second attack This person is robbing me of coin by destroying my ships just for pulling into their harbor twice now.
First i'm moving this to ban requests, Second please fix the format, there's an template on ban request's forums. Third, Althought we can properly see the name of the proppusher with a typical prop used for prop pushing, We cant see the user prop pushing you, altought they'll get a preventive 3 days ban if they where not speaking in english and being agressive to other users. ( After i have launch and check the logs ) Edit: I couldnt find any russian characters on the logs, so i cant ban them with that evidence you provided, althought i would apreciate the input of another staff member regarding the pictures.
Ah sorry i didnt even know there was a ban request format. Every time i confront this person they peak to me in Russian and i have seen them type in Russian in chat. Also if you look in the bottom left it says "you are going too fast" along with my chiar being in all kinds of weird angles inside my ship how is that not proof enough on top of his props inside of me. I know i got off to a bad start but the evidence is there for sure man... No screenshot is 100% accurate.
The 'second attack' picture is a bit more concise but we can't see the name on the prop. If you could have got the name in that picture this would have been decided already
STEAM_0:1:72159616 his id and this is his steam community link you can make out Z@DrOt: .Net in the second attack pic...
Hm, because you're in a seat I didn't think there would be a name as that's typically the case. User will be banned for prop pushing, thank you for your report.