Hello All. I have begun to notice that many players on NP2 are unable to submit ban requests or raise a Mod/Admin. I was wondering if a "Suspicions list" was possible. It could be used for people with insufficient information to have their targets monitored for bad behaviour. Names could be listed from reporting players and players on the list would be watched over when they play on NP2. The suspicion may expire after a week perhaps. I understand that many people dont have the time but I think it should be an option to players who feel a bit helpless when NP2 descends into chaos. Feel free to edit or remove this topic as you please. -Konnar
I realised this could be used universally for any SGC run or sponsored gamemode. Thats why its here not in the NP2 discussions.
There isn't anything like that running. There is the Discord channel if one wants to call an Admin/Mod or just talk...
Forgot about Discord, although a system implemented into the server could be useful for people who are unaware of Discord.
Perhaps that is the way to go then. Im aware that Discord is advertised on NP2 currently as it pops up in the chat. Perhaps making it more useful or required would increase the user count for it on NP2.