GN (in game name)*: RedTiger On which server have you been banned? Naval Play 2 What is the name of the admin who banned you? Animefan (Im not sure its been a long time) What is the reason of your ban?*: For E2 Minging (E2 Blinder) Have you been banned from SGC Naval before?*: Yes once Why should we unban or unmute you?*: I was set-up by some guys because they prop pushed my ship accidently but they didnt tell me it was an accident so I used my E2 Blinder as revenge but it was a mistake to do it and im really sorry for it. Its been like 2-3 months since im banned and I would like to get unbanned because I love construction on your server. Once im unbanned I will delete my E2 Blinder though and never write a new one.
I'll unban you since I already sent a message to Warguy telling him about the existance of this thread and had no response. If you're caught red handed the ban will be a severe one. Accepted.