What is your Name? Andrew What is your in-game display Name? Crazy Apple SGC Members you have Met: Altair, Animefan, RedDeath, Yew Why do you want to join the SGC? I want to join the clan to help the clan improve to become the best that it can be, and help it become even better What is your favorite cake? I can really go for chocolate and Vanilla cake, but I don't really like frosting that much Any other Comments? I love cheese
Aren't you the guy who got into a big drama fight with itsalphabet and I am Plen the other night? And then submitted like 4 ban requests afterwards? I was viewing the logs on that situation. While the other parties were being rude, it didn't look like you were exactly nice about it either. I don't think you're ready for the SGC yet, maybe try again in a few months after you've been around the community for longer. -Support