Accepted CrazyCat Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by CrazyCat5863, Jan 22, 2017.

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  1. CrazyCat5863

    CrazyCat5863 New Member

    Jan 22, 2017
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    GN (in game name)*: CrazyCat5863

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:144640456

    Proof/info/details of the ban:

    On which server have you been banned? Naval Play.

    What is the name of the admin who banned you? fleet admiral fox

    What is the reason of your ban?*: E2 abuse

    If applicable, what modifications or hacks were you using and have you removed them?*:

    Have you been banned from SGC Naval before?*:
    Once Before i think.

    Why should we unban or unmute you?*: Because it was not me in the E2. I was in the black cage of e2s, with a guy screeming "THE ADMINS LET ME DO IT" Hence baning the wrong person. (Nothice, this was a quite a bit ago, I just forgot where to appeal, and I saw altair's name and I messaged him and he helped me)
    #1 CrazyCat5863, Jan 22, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2017
  2. Fleet Admiral Fox

    Fleet Admiral Fox New Member
    Server Administrator

    May 26, 2016
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    Regardless of whether the illegal E2 was your own, you still chose to misuse it to cause malice within the server. It is also worth noting you were banned just 4 days previous to this ban date, for three days (You had been unbanned for 24 hours, before being banned again) for using illegal vehicles (presumably again, misusing E2) and being cheeky to staff.

    You have been banned a total of four times within a 20 day time-frame, three of these bans including E2 abuse which is not taken lightly within SGC. On the premise that it has been a month and that you have decided to take the time to appeal, I will reduce your ban from permanent to one week - please use this time to carefully read over our rules and also acknowledge that any more rule infractions will lead with a long-term/permanent ban.
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