Username: itsalphabet SteamID: Ban request reason: Using his physics gun to prop push my ship in my Harbour. Trying to sink my ship using his airship or plane and being rude in chat. Evidence: Pictures below Witnesses: Microsoft Powerpoint and Le Estonian Any other comments? I was trying to go in my base but he came in and crashed and landed on my beach. Itsalphabet used his physics gun to prop push my ship with his airship or plane and lost some of my save I gave him a chance to say sorry but he didn't understand for some reason.
duuuude you took the screens with a cellphone camera? Next time you should prove the player that's prop pushing it's the one you are accusing ( just look at him so we can see his name ). Also, take screens with F12 or gmod camera, then when game closes uploda them to your steam account, then you'll be able to get a direct link of those pictures that have a better quality
He can't see any names, when you're collecting evidence for prop pushes, you need to look at the prop while it's prop pushing and take a screen shot so the owners name is clearly displayed. You need to either use print screen and paste it to paint or take a screenshot through steam (F12). Once you've taken a screenshot, type 'status' in console and either screenshot it or record their steam ID. Here's an example. That is the minimum you'd need. When I record it, I like to take irrefutable proof from multiple angles so you get a better understanding of the event. Here's the other 2 images from the incident above: Image1 (perspective showing the perpetrators character model while they're prop pushing) Image2 (Showing who the character model belongs to)