Rejected Mojavelicious Ban Request

Discussion in 'Ban Requests' started by pferd69, Apr 11, 2019.

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  1. pferd69

    pferd69 New Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    Username: Mojavelicious

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:33781971

    Ban request reason: Team-bombed my ship

    Evidence: Here he admits to bombing a teammate (me):
    Here he admits to actually seeing the flag, though hard to:
    Here is a pic of the boat from the angle that makes the flag the hardest to notice:

    No one really. I was alone out at sea with him and one Royal whom I didn't get the name of.

    Any other comments? We left French port at the exact same time, he was of course faster than I. He couldn't have not noticed me. He showed no remorse whatsoever, which, in reality, is why I am posting this.
  2. Big Iron

    Big Iron Server Administrator
    Server Administrator

    Mar 30, 2019
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    I didn't see the flag AT ALL on the original bombing run, and I didn't "leave harbor at the same time as you". I was flying around the map for several minutes testing a new plane and scouting things out, saw a boat coming from the East, and swooped down on it. I didn't know it was yours or flying a red flag until you said so AFTERWARDS. Immediately after you told me it was yours I said something along the lines of "my bad, sorry about that" or something like that in VC.

    It was a few minutes after everything was over when I said "Figures, the one time a bomb works its on a teammate". You just kept whining about it though.

    "Shit happens". Friendly fire happens sometimes- you apologize and move on. I've gotten accidentally bombed and shot at plenty by teammates in skirmishes (since I also prefer flying a small red flag versus coloring half my shit red/blue) and never made a ban request for it.
  3. Xphos

    Xphos Guest

    For this being a first time thing it is ridiculous that you decided to make a ban request against him, this is obviously an accident and was never done intentionally, holy fuck people are getting more pettier nowadays just apologize and get over it, and if you don't want something like this to happen again then make your flag more visible like holy fuck it is tiny.
  4. pferd69

    pferd69 New Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    Well, he apologized after I called him out. And how can it ever be my fault that he broke a rule and I call him out on it?

    Edit: Also I only made this because you showed no remorse at all, and you pretty much just made fun of it/me, which just pissed me off.
  5. Xphos

    Xphos Guest

    Then take the apology man, obviously he wasn't intentionally trying to team kill, I really don't see the point in all of this, you're asking for him to be banned just because he accidentally did something.
  6. pferd69

    pferd69 New Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    Lol no.
    'You could at least say sorry' and he replies 'I'm sorry'.
    And that was after we had a heated argument, where he made fun of me. Not cool.
    He broke a rule, my flag is visible enough, it had my team color. He wasn't being careful. I had no AA, so he wasn't really in a hurry.
  7. Xphos

    Xphos Guest

    *sigh* time to wait for an admin to close this for being overly dramatic and petty ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. Big Iron

    Big Iron Server Administrator
    Server Administrator

    Mar 30, 2019
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    Nobody ever said it was your fault, you're putting words into my mouth. Yeah- friendly fire happens. Want to make it a non-issue? Paint a large chunk of your ship red or blue. Using a flag like you and I do is a more aesthetically pleasing solution, but its MUCH harder to see from a distance or straight above at certain angles, or if it gets shot off in battle. When I use ships with a flag over colored props, I know there's a risk, so I make sure to communicate with people.

    Edit: And what 'heated argument'?
  9. Georgianna

    Georgianna Naval Officer and Shipwright
    Server Administrator

    Apr 23, 2016
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    Pferd, get in contact with me over Discord, please.
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