So to fit in the the new SDG Content I feel like we need new handheld weapons. I've asked many of the players about adding a revolver and most of them agreed.So since I think Serni should keep on working SDG,I've went on looking in the Steam Workshop and found this bad boy: I'm sure this guy will fit perfectly in the gamemode as it's a classic gun with slow fire of rate,and it has a unique reloading system,since you need to hold R to go to reloading state and then M1 to load a round and M2 to Cycle the revolver. You can also put one chamber in it,roll it up and play some Russian Roulette. Before you reply you should READ it's description and then tell us what you think about it.
To go with dabests proposal i Think this would be a nice addition: It has a slow fire rate, No auto reload and it doesn't display your ammo. You have to check yourself by pressing E + M2.ยจ And well i just Think these two guns would fit perfectly in Naval play
No need to read the description, a demo video is worth a million words. I do like the idea of upgrading our current small arms to a revolver and bolt-action rifle, although I would choose a slightly more modern revolver. I think having a revolver and bolt-action rifle would be a reasonable step forward time era wise for NP2: farther than the American Civil War firearms I had in mind but not as far as WWII firearms like semi-automatic rifles and machineguns. My only problem with getting weapons from an outside source would be integration with the harbour shoppes. Also I would disable the ability to be shot while in a seat (preserving taking melee damage) as I have a feeling I would be getting sniped out of my warships often. Also another thing I just thought of is that the firearm addon has to be modular, so we can tweak damage, accuracy and range to our needs.
Anime brings up a good point. If these weapons are too accurate, seat sniping with spike and that means a lot of pissed of captains including me. If the weapons are sourced from the workshop it might be difficult to change their accuracy values or even impossible in some circumstances depending on the person who made the weapon. I think just adding a revolver with the same accuracy as the musket but a faster fire rate would be better because it would make it more useful for it's intended purpose, close quarters combat. Of course, these aren't our only options.
But a rifle of some sort would be nice, like a Lever-action Rifle or a Bolt-action Rifle. And they would have to be nerfed alot to fit into the gamemode.
You It would be nice if we could whip up a home made rifle and adjust it to how we want it but it's extra work that we can't do. It'd be greedy to ask sernik to do even more than he's already doing.
Maybe I could work on a new model and then change the existing code for the weapons that we already have.
Althought seat sniping is something really annoying while you are sniped it's also a nice part of the game, since it adds a bit more of complexity on boat construction regarding seat placement, a hurt ship that has lost most of it's bridge should have that weakness