Well this has been a long time since I have reared my face in this place. The forums have changed that's for sure! For majority of people here I am a nobody now. I know there will be some who still remember me. I am Carson Beckett (Sort of, I will get into that) and I used to be a regular in the SGC Clan. I think it's probably coming up on a decade since I stopped playing on SGC Clan servers. I joined way back on the Spacebuild server, back when we had such wonderful things as aVoN's Stargate Mod with it's blocky models that looked nothing like the Stargate. SAT admin mods and SUI Scoreboard. Ahhhh the good old days. How Gmod has changed. I played daily pretty much on that amazing server, and this amazing community. I know many of the people, even clan leaders that I knew back then have since left. I included with the death of Spacebuild at the time and Naval just not being my thing. I have decided to pop back in since I've recently gotten back into Gmod in various ways (even tinkering with Spacebuild/Wiremod/Stargates again.) and thought "Why not check out my very first home on Garry's Mod." So here I am! But I don't really go by Carson Beckett anymore even though I did for my majority of time in Gmod. Now I am known as Schnuupi!
Well believe it or not I've been messing around with Spacebuild and Wiremod and all that recently, to see how functional they are.
Welcome back Treselak, long time no see! How are you doing? Naval is running... We congregate in Discord.